Am I bad friend

Last night my friend was drunk and he began to hurt me. I was walking out to get some air from a party and he followed me. He grabbed a handful of my hair and threw me to the ground. I didn’t really think any of anything of it because I was kind of drunk. He ended up disrespecting everyone at the party. He twerked on people, he push people out of his way, and laughed at people when they ask him questions. We tried to drop him home, and I held his hand to calm him down. He dug deep into my hands w his fingernails and made me bleed! Omg. I couldn’t find his apartment keys so we left him outside. I ran into the truck and we ditched, only to see him running towards us. I literally was scared that he was going to hurt me again. Idfk. I still felt bad in the morning when I thought about it. Like anything could’ve happened to him, but then again he was hurting me so I panicked and left. 🙁