What finger foods to feed my 9 mo old

Heather • Maggie’s mom

I’m honestly at a total loss here. I don’t know how much to feed her, what to feed her, how to make sure she gets enough of the proper nutrition. I’m just winging it right now. When I give her purées she tries to grab the spoon away from me, so she’s definitely ready and wants to feed herself. She has 4 full teeth, and a 5th just popped through. She does great with yogurt melts, puffs, teether wheels, and crunchies, those always seem to make it into her mouth. She does pretty good with rotini noodles too.

But everything else I have given her seems too slippery for her to pick up easily enough. Other than noodles I’ve tried mango, bananas, corn, peas, cut up meat sticks, scrambled eggs. She gets some of them in her mouth, but then she seems to get frustrated and I end up giving her a purée.

I should also mention that I’m still fairly afraid she will choke so maybe I am cutting things up too small? Should I try giving her a whole meat stick so she can grip it? What else can I try? My babysitter says she gives her frozen peas and frozen cut up grapes, but I’m afraid she will choke on those too.

What are/did you give your LOs for first real finger foods that you had success with? Any food suggestions or tips are appreciated.