Going to the doctor for infertility @ 19...

I know what many of you are thinking, “why is she trying for a baby when she’s not even in her 20’s?” Well, my boyfriend & I have been together for 4 years now. We have never really used protection either. I know at 16 years old that’s not that smartest decision, but we truly both wanted a baby at the time & we both believe that we would be ready. But as you see, I do have PCOS. So that has made this journey really hard. I have gone to the doctors before about it but only for period issues & other things not infertility because again I am still young. They have only ever prescribed me birth control as well. But I’m not for birth control because of the hormones it puts into my body & i gained a lot of weight off birth control & it put me into a deep depression. I’m trying to get on the right track as well with how & what I eat & also working out regularly. My periods however are still irregularish but have been at least showing every month so far. Do you think it’s okay to go to the doctors for infertility at my age? Any tips or advice would be very helpful!! I feel completely alone in this & I don’t really know what else to do. I want a baby so bad. I just want to be a mom.