Would like some input 🙁 🙏


I had my Friday round of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> this month and got pregnant, my beta levels looks great doubling every time. Last Sunday my level was 491 and we scheduled my 6 week ultrasound. Flash forward to yesterday I went to the bathroom around noon and when wiping noticed some red spotting. I knew spotting was common so I didn’t freak out. At 2pm I used the restroom again and had a gush of bright red bleeding with multiple quarter sized clots. This lasted about 20-25 minutes. I slowly stopped bleeding over the next hour and a half and haven’t had any bleeding since. I called my fertility clinic today to discuss what happened yesterday and they had me come in to do a beta which was 787. I was told they would have liked my numbers to be must higher for 5 weeks , 2 days. So my question is was that my miscarriage yesterday? Will I bleed more? I guess I’m just confused that I’m not still bleeding if I’m having a miscarriage. Any input or thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you!