Why is this happening

There's this guy that I've known for about 7 years now and he has liked me since we first met eachother about 7 years ago. He is sweet, smart, kind, funny, cute, and more; but I have been telling myself that it won't work because during year two of our friendship we did a project together and we were both to stubborn with our smarts that it didn't work out... we ended up getting an A anyway... but that made it worse for what I had been thinking anyway (we can't be together because we don't work well together). Well todayyy 6 years after that group project, he hasn't given up... he still likes me and I kept telling myself no you guys won't work he's not the one... but the truth is, I really think I am falling in love with him as time goes on 🤦🏽‍♀️ I have a boyfriend right now and we have been together officially for about 10 months now and he is funny and smart and cute as well... but he is really jealous and hates when I talk to other guys and doesn't really show that he likes me until were alone. I really don't know what to do so im seeking advice from you guys . PLEASE HELP 😭