Please help


Hello everyone

I am checking to see if anyone can help I am beyond freaked out yet I am far away from home. I have been TTC for roughly 18 months and was also diagnosed with PCOS and am taking metformin. I never missed a period. My period are between CD34 to CD38. However this month I spotted pinkish brownish cm around cd29 and 30 nothing that needed a pad. I tested at CD 37 and got a BFN and also at CD 45.

At CD51 I started spotting brown discharge and it started to get heavier until now 15days later. I am currently overseas so I can’t do much. Anyone that experienced this or knows someone please help.

Thank You


I saw the Gynecologist today they believe that I did not ovulating due to my PCOS that’s the reason why I had a heavy long bleed. I was put on medication to help me ovulate.