Does NOT feel real!!!!!


Long story short in my previous marriage. Tired to get pregnant and couldn’t. And since then I have never had any sign of pregnancy. Fast forward 6 years later and I’m happily remarried with a 9 year old step daughter who is the best! Well the husband and I have been trying since we got married in December. I have honestly been so scared of not being able to have a bundle of joy of my own. But always open to the options out there. Well this month (I use OPKs) my peak test didn’t seem to dark. And since we weren’t hard core trying this month I took it every couple days. So I waited a couple days and tested again and it was darker so I assumed I ovulated then. And out of curiosity yesterday I took another one to see if my levels were still elevated. And it was DARK positive, and I read somewhere sometimes OPKs can pick up pregnancy so just wondering about it I did a pregnancy test. And it came out positive. I couldn’t believe it. So I took another one and it came out positive completely different brand. And this morning I took another and it’s still positive 💕💕

Honestly I’m kind of freaked out terrified cause they have all been such dark clear positives and I’m only 8DPO!! It makes me feel terrified that it’s not real and that I’m still gonna start my period next week. Anyone else have super early clear positives???

Also a pic of how I told my husband lol