Good Weight Loss!!

So pre pregnancy I weighed 320 lbs. I’ve been trying to lose weight since my first pregnancy but for some reason I could never lose more than 10-20 lbs. Well I got pregnant and lost 6 lbs by my first doctors appointment. Since I have a high BMI he told me losing weight is completely fine and if I gain weight, it would need to be under a certain amount because of my starting weight. Immediately I got worried because I didn’t want to gain anymore weight and I gained a lot with my first son. Well surprisingly at my 15 and 5 day appointment I had lost another 13 lbs. I lost 13 lbs in 6 and a half weeks. I’ve been working hard so I’m very happy with the fact I weigh 301 now and not 320. Hopefully I can continue this pattern for the rest of this pregnancy. My doctor isn’t super concerned as I am extremely healthy besides my weight. I always have amazing blood pressure, I passed my early glucose test by a lot, and all my tests come back good. Hopefully I can continue to lose weight throughout this pregnancy.