I can’t believe it


Guys...weve been trying for almost 14 months with rounds and rounds of Clomid....after the 4th round we were told to go to the Urology and to stop clomid until we get further instruction....we got my husbands SA done and he said it came out alright....we had to skip a month of medications so this month was all natural....i just decided you know what its 10 dpo i got tests and walked into the bathroom and did my tests and walked away fully expecting what i usually get...i walked back in 2 min later and about LOST MYSELF!!! It all came out positive! Mind you for 14 months it was 14(no’s) and it hurt. I want to hold all of you by the shoulders who are trying and tell you it can happen!! Dont give up and it comes when you least expect it! I wish i would have held in my shock screams! So i could surprise the husband but he found out and was shocked!

Were trying to keep it on the down low because its our first and i dont want to be to excited if we lose baby! But please pray for us this little babe sticks and is healthy💕💕💕 i will be praying for all of you💕