Please Help! False pregnancy test?


Hello ladies, so I have taken two pregnancy test and both came back negative but I’ll be a week late on my period on Wednesday (in two days). I took a plan b two or three weeks ago and that was the first plan b I took and experienced the side effects, I bled a lottt, for like a week. Also the same week I took the plan b I had taken a plan b like 5 days before it so to sum it all up lol I took two plan bs in one week. Well then I had sex with a guy a week later and turns out we both got Chlamydia and so I was prescribed antibiotics or the infection. I asked the doctor if the infection affects periods and she said “no, there is not a reason to believe it should” and so I was like ok good. Well I’m still almost a week late and I have taken two pregnancy test. I plan on taking another test next week to give it more time so if I am pregnant and the hormone just isn’t showing up, then I’ll know. But should I be worried that I haven’t started? Also my nipples are super super sore and they are never sore lol. Anyway any advice would be great! I want to go to a doctors but I can’t use my insurance bc I’m on my parents insurance and they would see the receipt for the doctors visit and bc I don’t have a ton of money. Has anyone experienced anything like this? I’ve never missed a period ever, I have had a period that last 2-3 days but never have missed one. Maybe when I took the plan b and when I bled so much that was basically my period but the day I took it it was the frost day of ovulation (according to the app).