any advice?

me and my boyfriend have been dating for 4 months now and we live in different cities (we see each other every single weekend) the first 2 months were amazing and we really had fun together but now we never talk to each other anymore and every time I try n call him he’s being kinda rude and never tells me anything abt how his day was etc. he slapped my best friend’s butt in front of me last saturday and later the same day we drove around the town and he made me take a blow job i told him I didn’t wanna do it cause we were in public and he said “well there’s no one here is there” and I just said no but he just started pulling my hair till I did it. the next day we were with a bunch of our friends and he didn’t give me any attention whatsoever and if I tried to talk to him he just ignored me and like 2 hours later he asked if I wanted to go to his house before I had to go back home again so I said yes cause I thought he just wanted to spend time w me cause he’s not gonna see me for another week and we got to his house and he just told me to finish what I started last night and I just said that I didn’t wanna do it and he started trying to get me horny but I still said I didn’t wanna do it and he just chocked me n said he won’t let go till I do it and I just kept trying to tell him no but he started not talking to me and at this point I basically couldn’t breathe anymore so I told him I would do it and he let go but he noticed I wasn’t gonna do it so he started doing it again and just ended up pushing me down and then he came and I thought we were gonna spend the little time we had together at his place but he ended up calling our friends so we could go with them and after that he didn’t hug me or cuddle w me or even talk to me.

Idk if there’s something wrong with me but that never happened with any of his exes and I feel like i’m doing something wrong and idk whats going on with him and i’m just super confused now

I don’t wanna break up w him tho, I really love him and I wanna try n fix things