Pelvic pain

I am 17 and had surgery for an imperforate hymen in May 2018. I lost 500ml of old blood. The scar healed over and I had to have surgery again in November which worked fine and I’ve had regular periods since.

I’d been given vaginal dilators to use and I’d used them maybe every 2 weeks, they were slightly uncomfortable but not painful.

On Friday (22nd) I used the smallest size (which is about the diameter of a 2p coin in the UK) and I had slight pain. Before this I’d worked my way up to the next biggest size

Since then I’ve had pain across my pelvis (mainly on my right but sometimes on the left) the pain seems to come about when I walk, mainly but I get pains sometimes when I need to pee or poop or after peeing or pooping

My period is due on the 6th of April and my last one ended on March 6th lasting for a week

What could be the cause