Anxiety during pregnancy

Jenna • Mommy to an angel 12/2018
I need a little insight, from expectant mothers, or women TTC. I suffer from GAD, and PTSD. I am currently taking Clonazepam, to control my anxiety, and I am not sure how I would do without it, since I've been on it for 3 1/2 years. My husband and I are trying to conceive, and of course, my anxiety kicks in, and I wonder if this medication, or any others, would be safe to use during pregnancy. I know this is causing more stress, and inhibiting our attempts at having children. I also have endometriosis, and uterine cysts, so we have been trying for many years now, to no avail. Does anyone else struggle with this, and if so, what do you take, or what do you do, to control your anxiety?