Stupid BC question.


Okay I had a mierna for almost 4 years. I had it taken outonthe 5th last month and started on the patch on the 8th like it said. I was on my period when they took my mierna out so I waited for that Sunday. I have always had un protected sex with my SO.

Well, I started on the patch and had my period like I was suppose too. Well my step dad was suppose to get My meds because he is the only one who can get back and forth to town when he gets a ride to work since our car broke.

Well, we started useing the pull out method the week of my period because I didn't want to get pregnant and I'm allergic to condoms and we couldn't get to the store to get them even if we wanted them.

Well,comes to this week I will be getting my medication on my own since he hasn't even tried to get it.

What in asking is did my chances of getting pregnant go up when I switched birth control than stopped taking it?

I will be starting back on it Tuesday.

Thank you a head of time. Please no mean or rude comments. N