The Unbearable 2WW!! Symptom Spotting!


Hi ladies

Really keen to hear other people’s stories and if anyone has / had similar symptoms to me?

I’m currently about 14DPO but haven’t done a test yet because I’m scared to see the dreaded BFN. AF due tomorrow.

I am going to wait until the weekend if I can!

So... I’m 40. I have two kids aged 18 and 9 (and also 2 step kids age 7 & 5)!

Not using protection, partner happy if something happens but not actively trying. Been having lots of unprotected sex for a year now and nothing!

We DTD a number of times around ovulation this cycle - probably the closest to it in a whole year of sex. Since 4DPO I have had low dull pains and cramps... EVERY SINGLE DAY!! Sometimes pulling feelings. Cramps feel more intense today which worries me.

My cervix has remained very high, super firm but soft to touch on the round donut part of it (otherwise known as the entrance)!! 😂

Had a little pink spotting last Friday and some yellowish / bordering on brown yesterday and today. I was SURE AF was starting today but hasn’t yet.

This morning, felt like my cervix was moving to face downwards ready for period. My cervix usually stays high until period day.

Since this morning, it has risen upwards again.

I also have lower back ache and am crying at the drop of a hat!

Also have fuller boobs and sore nipples (a bit, not super sore)...

I am aware that all of these can also be period symptoms.

Please let me know what your 2WW symptoms were and if anyone else had daily dull cramps on and off and yellowish CM around due day????

