My third birth - fast labor, surprise gender! *long story*


I loved reading these stories while I was pregnant so I hope you like mine haha.

This was our 3rd baby and we kept sex a surprise. I had gestational diabetes and was mostly diet controlled although they wanted to put me on insulin but I refused. Baby was doing fine and I only ever measured ahead about a week. My last baby was a fast labor and so I anticipated the same for this baby. At 37weeks I was 3cm 70% effaced and my OB wanted to induce me at 39weeks because of the GD. I didn’t feel comfortable with that but she scheduled it and said that when it came down to the day if I don’t want to and baby and me are okay we don’t have to. I was cool with that. The day before labor I didn’t feel much movement and the following morning I didn’t feel baby move so I called L&D and went in. We packed our bags, husband called out of work and we went in. We arrived and got hooked up and everything was fine but my heart rate was borderline high. They checked it 3x and all times it was borderline high. My OB was in triage and came in to talk to us and suggested I begin induction that day. We agreed as I was at 4cm already with steady contractions. I didn’t want any pain meds but since we were going to do pitocin and i heard those contractions are gnarly I was open to the idea if need be. We started pitocin at 2pm. Just my husband and I in the room and we were talking and I was doing fine. I even took a nap! Eventually the contractions were stronger and longer. I said I might want the epidural so the nurse checked me and I was at 7.5cm fully effaced. I thought I’d have another couple hours to go so I asked for the epidural. I said I needed to pee so nurse hooked another bag of fluid and told me she’d call the anesthesiologist while I went to the restroom. My husband helped me over as my contractions were strong. As SOON as I sat on the toilet I felt the baby move down and my body began to push. I freaked out. My husband called the nurses, they flew in and told me not to bear down. My bag was bulging out and head was right behind it. We moved to the bed (I was scared, I swear I felt the head and that I would squish her or something lol) as soon as they got me on the bed, I pushed once and she was out! My husband told me we had a girl! Elianna Grace born 3/1/19

9lbs 1oz 20.5in at 38w5d. Craziest part? Apart from those contractions right before I felt I had to pee, I felt no pain!!! Just pressure. I didn’t tear either.

I did have some hemorrhaging and the shakes which was a little scary but everything else was a breeze. My recovery has been awesome. She’s been a dream and I swear I want to be pregnant again lol. Sorry this was long! 💞