Know it all

It's a new relationship between my friend & I, & her & her boyfriend came over last night to hangout with my fiancé & I. I started discussing with her something my best friend said that shocked me. It was about how she seemed to already regret having her baby (not born yet). My new friend knows that my fiancé & I are trying to conceive but simply bashed on the idea of that to me. My fiancé & I live in a large studio & she said to me, "you wouldn't want to have a baby living in a studio, that's not good. Babies are expensive. You don't want to have a baby when you're still in the honeymoon phase of your relationship." 
Apparently she knows it all? Any thoughts?
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She's probably just voicing how she would do things. I did the same with my best friend. I tried to get her to wait to get married. She wouldn't. I tried to convince her to wait a couple years before getting pregnant. She didn't. I tried to convince her she needed a better home and she didn't care. Not even three years later, she divorced, single with a two year old, living in a house that's falling apart. Sometimes we really do mean well. It just doesn't come across that way.


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Since she doesnt know you that well i would shrug it off.. My mom told me and my husband the same thing after we bought a two bedroom condo... Aparently one of those bedrooms in her mind was hers and there was no room for us to have children... Do what you andyour husband want to do... I have a friend who is super wealthy with her husband and thry have a really fancy studio in the heart of the city here.. They partitioned off the babys "room" and they love it... Embrace your own life.. Dont feel like you.have to conform to anyone


Posted at
If you don't want an opinion don't ask. I think she has a point I wouldn't have my son live in a studio or 1 bedroom place Babies are expensive - true The fact that you brought up your other friends feelings, maybe she thought you were projecting your friends feelings and unhappiness. Maybe she knows about other things going on in your life that you didn't share in the post that makes her think that now isn't a good time (really that's just a maybe) Or maybe she has a 10 year plan and wants to wait til she's married herself before trying and projecting that onto you You don't have to take any notice of what she said at all. Personally I wouldn't fall out with her over it if that's how you see things going. You said she's a new friend so probably doesn't know you all that well yet anyway


Posted at
I wouldn't want to live in a studio with my baby. That's for sure! I need walls and doors so I can live life while she sleeps. I am not the type of person who can just be silent or go to bed when she's sleeping. I value naptime and bed time. Not only healthy for baby, but for mom too... to regroup and have me time. That's just me though. Babies can be expensive, but they don't have to be. Relationships can become strained after a baby is born. There can be lots of anxiety and sleep deprivation, but imo if you can get through it, you'll be stronger and you can get through anything. 


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Don't listen... Do whatever makes you and your fiancée happy... If you want to have a baby, it doesn't matter if you live in a studio or in a mansion... Everyone is different, maybe for her material things are more important... You can move later and find something bigger or whatever fits your needs at the moment. Just try to not take it personal because you are going to be worried about those things. It's my personal advice, hopes it helps 


Posted at
I don't agree with the studio part but if you and your bf barely got together and are in the honey moon phase then I agree you should wait a little