Was my post inappropriate- it was flagged and deleted

So a couple weeks ago a posted a message meant for young women or teenagers warning them against using the pull out method alone as birth control. Telling them it’s not a solid form of birth control and to be responsible they should use another form whether it be condoms or the pill or another form of birth control option. ( I’m a strong believe that pregnancy is not something to be taken lightly and to not risk it happening. That it’s something that should be planned with your partner and to take all precautions to not have it accidentally happen).

The comments were full of hate against me and saying they have been using the pull out method for years and never gotten pregnant and supporting it as a solid form of birth control. I also did get support and there turned out to be a lot of arguing in the comments and then my post got flagged and deleted.

My message was not meant for the women who have been in a committed relationship for years and probably are prepared for the possibility of getting pregnant. It was meant as a message to young women or possibly even teenagers who are sexual active to warn them that the pull out method is not a solid form of birth control ( although many in the comments argued it is a solid form). Do you think me message was wrong and deserved to be flagged and deleted?