finally!! someone who understands me!!


Recently i “met” this girl in my gym class. i say “met” because i’ve known her for three years but i’ve never really talked to her so much. she ended up being my partner in gym class and we were doing archery and keeping score. as fun as that sounds it’s a pain in the ass when you have dyscalculia :) (basically dyslexia for math and numbers) so adding up high numbers in my head isn’t quite my thing😂 when i finally got all my scores written down and i handed her the paper so she could do hers and she looks at me and says “dude i can’t do this” i laughed and told her “if i can do it you sure as hell can😂” and she said something along the lines of like “dude that dyscalculia will get to me” and i was like BITCHHH and we bonded so hard over that! first person i’ve ever met that’s actually understood what i deal with in a daily basis and it was very surreal to me. so the rest of class we helped each other keep track of our scores and we’ve been doing it ever since, and she’s so sweet too💗