I'm 21 and...


I want a baby 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Call me crazy but I've wanted a baby since I was 16. Obviously I didn't get pregnant though lol. I got married at 18, been together 4 years, married three years. Just graduated college together. Everyone says we should wait til we're 30 but I'm going crazy. Does anyone else feel the same???
1.7k views β€’ 26 upvotes β€’ 87 comments



Posted at
This generation is so against women having children in their early 20's, when years ago that was the prime time and still is. I say if yall are ready go for it don't listen to other people.


Posted at
Yep! I'm 22 and feel the exact same. While I don't knock anyone who chooses to wait til they are 30, I just don't understand why some people seem to think that's the magical age to conceive. Things are different for each person, do what's best for you. Be honest with yourself and reasonable. Baby fever is normal and some people are ready for a baby earlier than others! 


Victoria β€’ Jul 17, 2017
I have read that a woman's body will only produce so many eggs throughout her life time. So yes the older you get they harder it will be to get pregnant. Everyone has their own opinion as the "right"age to get pregnant. But end of the day only you know when it's the right time. I'm 31 if I could snap my fingers and get pregnant again tomorrow I would lol


Alexandria β€’ Sep 14, 2015
@Emily no problem and good luck! Things will be just fine so follow your heart!


Alexandria β€’ Sep 14, 2015
@Desirae Thanks for the insight and baby dust to you I really hope you get another little one soon! Don't lose hope!!


Posted at
I wanted a baby when I was 5.. I get it. I'm 29, I waited until my life could perfectly support a baby (loving husband, college degree, well paying career, enough sick days for maternity leave at work, owning a home, stable financially.. I don't think you need to wait until 30, but I do think you should wait a few years, age doesn't mean a whole lot, where you are in life and how stable it is is what matters


Posted at
Have a baby ! You're grown ,its your life, your desicion . If you're ready for a baby ... Have one 😊


Em β€’ Sep 13, 2015
Thank you, Ammie! I really do want a babyβ™‘


Posted at
I just saw this old post, and just had to comment because yesterday I found out that I am pregnant πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•


Posted at
I don't think you need to wait until you're thirty. Just wait until you're emotionally and financially secure. :-) if that time is now, then great. 


Posted at
Once you hit 30 you have a lot of complications once it comes to getting preggo and having a healthy baby. If you are stable and want a baby and your husband does too ignore the haters. 


Casey β€’ Sep 14, 2015
Peak fertility is 23 to 31


Chantelle β€’ Sep 14, 2015
Late 20's early 30's is considered peak fertility FYI


Casey β€’ Sep 13, 2015
I know it's possible but it does come with increased risk. Coming from a medical field there are increased chances of something going wrong. That doesn't mean it will happen to everyone. But that women also needs to be very healthy and where I come from most women are not and have many diseases


Posted at
I don't think age should matter. Maturity and financial stability do. I'm 21 with my second.. Been married for over a year to the man I've been with for 6yrs. We own a nice house and he has a good job. as long as you can support and provide for your kid the decision is on you!


Victoria β€’ Jul 17, 2017
goals right there. at 21 owning your own home and still with the love of your life. your doing good. congrats girly


Justine β€’ Sep 25, 2015
Yes! and yes that is Colorado as well. houses have gone up so much! in Florida we could get our house and land for like 150,00! its insane.


Em β€’ Sep 25, 2015
Thank you! wow you own a house already??? lucky! where I live the average cost for a house is $275,000+


Posted at
Had my first at 21. We made it through but it was difficult. Only advice I can give is don't rush through life and do what is best for your family.


Posted at
I met my husband at 17, was ready to just settle down and pop out babies then. We got married at 21 and are now 26 trying for our first child. I look back and thank goodness I didn't bring a child into our lives when I wanted one back the n. Neither of us were ready, it would have been so super stressful on our relationship. Now it's exciting, girl I get where you're at, some lady clocks tick faster than others :) it will happen in good time!! :)