Need support


Hello all -I don’t really post a lot but do enjoy the app . Anyway we are 15 weeks today with our rainbow baby girl ! (Yay!) however , this pregnancy has been far from easy and my anxiety has been awful . After a “missed miscarriage “ in 2018 at 10 weeks I’ve been a nervous mess . Every little cramp or twinge has made me panic . Well, last week I stayed having pressure and back pain , occasional abdominal pain . I went in heard the heartbeat , he checked my cervix everything was ok . He said it sounds like a bladder infection and started me on meds .

He also sent me for a cervical length ultrasound this past Monday and they called today -my placenta is low and I’m at risk for placenta prévia . So I’m on modified bed rest with minimal activity for 6 weeks and no sex .

I have four older children 10,9,8,4- and my husband is AD military getting ready to deploy in less than 30 days.

So needless to say I’m starting to freak out !

Help...I’m now petrified of pre term labor , bleeding , being alone -etc etc etc ..