I need to get this rant out

So tell me not!!!

If I were to give you a cupcake and there was a cockroach baked into it...would you eat it?? Would you eat around it??? Or would you just say no? You wouldn’t know if I mixed the roach in, or casually placed the roach in before sticking it in the oven. But in any case, would you still eat the cupcake whether it’s a small portion or all of the cupcake (minus the roach)?

If you answered that you would. Okay. If you answered that you wouldn’t, 🙋🏼‍♀️ me too!

So I don’t get why people say vaccines are okay. Sure they helped back in the days when cures were needed. We aren’t living then. We are living now. I don’t give a rip about how “formaldehyde is in our foods already” “so it’s okay in vaccine.” How about acetone?? Or monkey blood cells? Or calf serum?? Chick embryo cell culture? And not only that, its going into brand new babies, children, little ones with immune systems that are soooo fragile!!!

And then you have annoying people who post about vaccines being necessary today, when they don’t even have kids of their own. Like...I know you and I know you are posting because you know I’m against vaccines . and you know nothing about vaccines because you only listen to your mother. And what ever your mother says is the truth and law for you. 🙄.

BTW I’m tired of another person who keeps sending me crap articles about outbreaks and how “vaccine and autism” were proven to not be linked because some guy lied about his testing/results BACK IN 1998! Are you kidding me??? You mean to tell me that we are going to just NOT DO ANY MORE RESEARCH BECAUSE SOME GUY LIED, which then makes it seem like, yup nothing is wrong. Like didn’t scientist call Pluto a planet and then change their minds???

I’m done. Not really. But yeah.

Rant over!!!

And if you like vaccines....I don’t care. Bye.