Finally ready to start solids! 🥄🍌🥑🥕


6 months old next week and already showing every other sign that she’s ready to start solids! We’re so excited to finally try some food 😋

✔️sitting unassisted

✔️pincer grasp

✔️eager to participate ✔️✔️ double check she’ll steal food right out of my mouth if she’s within reach 😂

Other than checking if she lost the tongue-thrust reflex but idk how else to check than to let her try some food🤷🏻‍♀️ (I’m still waiting for her 6mo checkup next week to see if her ped agrees she is ready) I think we will start with avocado

Who all is excited to start trying foods now that we’re finally (almost) at 6 months!?