Baby boy is here

Baby boy is here!!! Had been having contractions since 36 weeks I got concerned that week and went into L&D on Wednesday just to get checked and I was not dilated at all!! By my appointment the following Tuesday I was still contracting they hooked me up to the monitor and I went from 0-3CM in 45 minutes from the contractions. My OBGYN sent me to L&D and an hour after being there I dilated more from 3-5CM!!! I was like shit this baby is coming early and I’m just at the cusp of 37 weeks. We tried walking and resting and I jumped again to another 6CM! After that my contractions slowed down...I had spent the night in L&D and by the next day I was 7 CM! WHAT THE HECK! All day Wednesday was an impatient waiting game but by Thursday morning my water broke and I went from 7-9CM so fast I had no time for an epidural and immediately needed to PUSH!! I pushed for 40 min, and my little prince was born. 6.6lbs of pure joy 😍😍💙