29 weeker

Ash • Mom of 2..3rd c-section due June 7, 2019...very in love

Hello all! So on Sunday, March 24, about 8/9pm o began having some intense shoulder and back pain. I also had shortness of breathe. I took myself to the emerald room. Upon arrival my blood pressure was 199/118 and it was deemed I definitely must be transferred to a bigger hospital that has a labor and delivery. I was taken to University Hospital and things moved fast from there. I found out I had Help syndrome and my liver was not operating properly. I was told I would have to deliver within the next two days and they would start me on steroid shots because at 29 weeks the babies lungs were not mature enough yet. Luckily I got two shots within 24 hours of each other. On March 26 @ 10:16 am my baby boy Isaiah Jr. entered the world via c-section. He has been doing okay since. Things are scary as he stops breathing sometimes but the nicu nurses say this is to be expected. Please keep us in your prayers. I am very sore and.

2lbs. 8oz. Here is my beautiful blessing