Working moms


Are there any full time working mamas that have multiple kids?... I just started a full time job this past week (6-2) and I’ve never felt so defeated!

So I get up at 4am and pump then get ready for work, load the 3 kids in the van (8yrs, 3 yrs and 5 months) and take them to grandmas house. My job is very active (janitor at a factory) the only time I stop and sit is my 30 min lunch and 2 10 min breaks but then I also pump with each break. By the time I get off I go pick the kids up and go home. I immediately pump and then it’s time to start getting the house kind of picked up cuz it’s such a disaster already and I just can’t keep up with keeping it clean anymore. I make dinner and help my son with school work then it’s already time to do showers and bed time for the kids. I literally don’t even feel like I have a chance to catch my breathe cuz I’m constantly running all day long. And then not to mention my baby is still up a couple times a night so I am only getting a max of 5 hours or f sleep each night. I drove home crying yesterday cuz I’m so exhausted and I feel like I can’t give my kids any attention during the week cuz it’s just go go all day every day. My husband does also work full time and he does some around the house. How do you all do everything?! Idk what to do 😢