Abortion or not.. Different man

I am 20. Just graduating with my Bachelors. This whole year from last March has been very difficult. I met a guy at ny job last march... Fell so hard... Ended up pregnant in June. Then I found out he was married.. Had 3 kids.. Etc. It killed me.. But I had an abortion because it wasn't right at all. Really wasn't. Well fast forward to now... I met a guy after my abortion... He was supportive of everything, understood .. And we went on with life. Let me tell you. This man is my dream, he is the perfect man, and I know in my heart he is the one. .. Well 2 months ago I found out I am pregnant again. He never "went" inside me and I was on BC... But clearly something didn't work. Well i am 5 weeks 4 days.. And yesterday after we did the deed.. He calmly sits on the edge and discusses everything he wanted for us before kids.(he has 3) but never has been married. He said he wants to travel with me, get to know each other better, and how special I am and that he wants to do everything right this time around with me and for us. I'm just so torn. And I can't believe I am in the same place. He is my dream man and I cant wait to have him as my husband, but this baby is still here. And he says he wants his business to grow more, have me in my field for a year, then discuss it. But is there EVER a right time??? Because I dont think so. Please help with advice and sincere thoughts. Thank you