Feeling like a fail of a wife :(


So 2 weeks ago I finally got a positive hubby and I where so excited. In 2017 we got pregnant an it ended in a blighted ovum (empty sac) we where devastated. I do have 2 children from previous relaships but they want nothing to do with their children. My husband took my children in want to adopt hes just such an amazing man and he has no bio children and I am feeling like such a fail of a wife right now 2 pregnancies and both I have lost but can have babys with horrible men. I love love love my children they are my heart and soul and I just want one more. I have went for surgery to remove scarring on uterus in uterus on tubes :( I just so danm sad 😪😪😪😪😪 p.s I dont know where this post belongs sonic in the wrong place just let me know :(