

Ok ladies, I’ve been dealing with a ton of emotions in this last trimester. For one I don’t feel connected with this little baby that is growing inside of me. I see all these other moms who are so connected and loving their bellies and the babies inside them. I feel almost saddened that i don’t feel this way. I don’t feel this bond that so many women experience with their growing babies. This is my first baby, I became pregnant with the help of a fertility specialist. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for a while now and I didn’t think that i would feel this way being pregnant. My pregnancy has been rough and not a very pleasant one. I wouldn’t change anything in the world for the life that is growing but I have such a hard time with the bonding. Everything makes me sad or mad or even depressed, my Braxton Hicks contractions even give me anxiety. I’ve never been this emotional and on edge. Any words or maybe advice? Are you ladies also expecting this or is it just me?