HELP! Super confused with this situation!

My ex and I broke up about 4 months ago due to long distance from starting college and other stuff that occurred in our relationship. I recently move back home and now attend the college he goes to so we see each other quite frequently. Anyway, he and i have maintained quite a bit of contact since the breakup, meaning Snapchat streaks and him swiping up on my Snapchat stories and saying something about them. I’ve never contacted him throughout the breakup unless it was for the streak. Anyway, a few month ago he invited me over to his house to see his dog (who I loved seeing when we were together) but I was busy that day so I couldn’t go and turned him down. Now that we’re on spring break, he contacted me a few days ago to go over and see his new addition of dogs. I agreed this time and ever since he was kinda flirting with me over text.

Now keep in mind that I was his first real girlfriend and he is a very awkward and shy person so a lot of the stuff he was saying caught me off guard. I don’t know if it’s because he’s comfortable around me still but he started mentioning my butt and how pretty I am and how he trusted me and all this other stuff. So I went over to his house yesterday, and enjoyed seeing the dogs but after a while we went inside and sat on the couch and he started to get playful with me to the point where he was laying on me and holding my hands and stuff. Then he wanted to go up to his room (which we did) and we messed around with his nerf guns (lol) for a little bit until he started cuddling me on the bed and eventually kissed me. Then We just made out for a while until I had to leave.

Now this is where I get confused. After I left his house the texts got kinda dry and short for the rest of the day and he hasn’t even texted me once today. He sent our Snapchat streak but other than that I haven’t heard anything. I don’t know if I’m overthinking things or what but I still have feelings for him and he obviously still had them for me so idk what to do? Someone help me please!