i need help.

hey ladies! i need a little advice. i can’t decide if i should go get my blood tested or not. exactly two weeks ago me and my boyfriend had sex and he just pulled out, well he wiped it off and we decided to try again. lately i’ve been getting headaches, not eating much, sleeping all the time, and my boobs are a little extra tender and my nipples are larger than usual. i was expecting my period today but got it 5 days ago and it lasted 3-4 days and wasn’t heavy but it wasn’t too light either. my period is never off but this time it was way too early for comfort. i took four test but they all came back as negative but i still can’t decide what to think. me and my boyfriend both think i am but the test all say otherwise. i can’t decide if it was implantation bleeding or my period. what would y’all think? we had sex on day 14 of my cycle and he told me he kept second guessing if he got all the cum off before we tried again, which of course it was too late for me to take a plan B. my period is very regular and is never off. when on my period i can’t cramps so bad i can’t even get out of bed but this last time i had little to none. i also throw up every single time i get on and off my period and it never happened. i know a lot of women who say they’ve experienced bleeding like this at first. should i go to my mom?