I’d just like to share my story...

I just wanted to share my story about some guy troubles I guess because I have no one else to tell it to so here we gooooo

So I have this guy friend, I’ll call him Jack. We became friends near the beginning of the school year and I had seen him around before and always thought he was cute :) but after experiences that happened the year before I had told myself not to get involved with guys and focus on myself.

When we started talking I enjoyed every moment I spent with him, and he quickly became part of my regular friend group. We would text each other every day, talk in person at least once every school day, and eventually we would hang out at one our houses every weekend. I realized that I actually like liked him, and it started growing to point where it made me angry that I couldn’t do anything about it. I wanted to keep my promise not to get involved with a guy, and I had also learned things about his past that sounded like he wasn’t in a place to be involved with anyone either. We would always get so close though, and sometimes we’d cuddle, but I tried to think it didn’t mean anything.

When we would hang out together in public and my friends saw us they always thought that we were a thing, and whenever I would go to his house my friends kept telling me to kiss him or something.

The later along in the year it came it felt like we had become best friends. I loved having a guy best friend but 5 months later I was STILL thinking about how I wanted more 😫 Sometimes when I went to his house too we would actually cuddle and hold hands, but I didn’t know why he would do it because I still figured he didn’t like me like that.

But then spring break came around and I decided that I before the break ended I should tell him how I felt because for one we were so close already it probably wouldn’t make things awkward and I hate keeping secrets from my friends soooooo

Last night I decided to tell him that I liked him😟 He told me after that he actually KNEW I liked him and things wouldn’t get awkward now.... but he never told me if he liked me the same way...🥶 I figured he didn’t feel the same way since he didn’t say anything, but it made me mad because if he didn’t actually like me then why did he always want to cuddle with me and hold hands and play with my fricking hair?? Is that just sometimes what guy and girl friends do or is it just a thing you with people you like??

Well I decided to ask him how he felt and he told me that he enjoyed his time with me and felt like he could be himself around me but he was “confused”

So I decided not to ask him why I just said I understood but he kept telling me that I didn’t but he wouldn’t go on to explain and then the conversation just kinda ended... I’m gonna see him again in 2 days and I’m kinda nervous I don’t know😬

But yeah that’s it I just had to get it off my chest and wondered if anyone else has gone through this before😫