Cervix Position

Elizabeth • 23. Engaged. TTC our first. Hoping for a boy.
So I have fairly regular periods and this month we tried NOT to focus on TCC...I even deleted my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Glow app</a> in hopes that I'd stop driving myself crazy. Af is 5-6 days late now. I hate two pin drop blood spots their day before af was due...I've had mild cramping off and on...but no normal af symptoms. Because I had deleted the app I wasn't sure when she was due and we ended up testing then day she was due and got a BFN..no surprise there. But now almost a week later I'm scared to test. I've been super emotional...peeing a little more than normal...and my cervix is low and has stayed low all week...it's closed like really closed...idk I know I'm rambling and I'm not sure what answers I'm looking for. Sorry for the long post ladies.