My labour story


So my due date was the 14th of April but he decided to come on the 15th of March . It all started at 3.30am on the 15th of March my almost 1 year old decided to wake me up and when she did I couldn't get up to deal with her as I was having a got to about 4am and the contractions were getting worse so I woke my husband up and by 4:30 I was at the hospital. I went I to the labour and delivery and they put me on the machine and checked me and I was 4cms dilated. My doctor came in and broke my waters and as he was doing that I'm like you do know as soon as you break my water things are going to happen quickly.  I was then 5cms.  The midwife got me up so I could go for a wee and as I was sitting on the toilet I was getting the urge to push and then I could feel his head about to come out so I'm like its time to catch. So he was born while I was on the toilet. It took me less then 10 minutes from being 5cms when my waters got broken to being 10cms dilated and him being born.  He was born at 5:50am weighing 2310g at 35+5 weeks.