Need to vent... heart broken....

Annie • 07.02.2019🎀

Back story.... my husband and I moved 2 hours from our parents and hometown last July to start his career after graduating college. I loved the job and co workers I had so it was hard to leave. My husband has family here in our new town a set of grandparents and a set of aunt and uncle... I really thought we would have a support system so I wasn’t too worried about the big move... well boy was that a mistake...

Today I received a text from my husband aunt (who had offered to throw my baby shower as soon as we told them we were pregnant. It was nice to have someone offer and made me feel supported.) well today she backed out. Invites have been sent out for 2 weeks and the shower is 3 weeks away. She just got her son soccer schedule ,who is 12 btw, and he has a game that day that she CANNOT MISS. I totally get supporting your kids, I know I won’t want to miss my kids stuff either but it just felt like a slap to the face that his soccer game was more important then celebrating my daughter 🤷🏼‍♀️ I would have totally understood if he was older and that those games are important for maybe like a scholarship or something but to have offered, planned and then back out for 1 game it just really made me feel like my baby and I aren’t worth anything. Thanks for letting me vent ♥️