
Sara • 🌈

Life seems to be a string of unexpected events. I never expected to have children, then on March 30, 2018 I had a miscarriage. Exactly one year later, my baby entered the world but I never could’ve expected how. I woke up at 4 on Saturday morning with early labor pains. By midday I was having full contractions. We arrived at the hospital around 4 in the afternoon now experiencing what people describe as the worst pain a human can endure (and they are not kidding). I was 2 cm dilated, and after about an hour I had reached 3. Then the contractions become constant and excruciating, causing me to dilate to 6 cm in the next 20 minutes. But then came the unexpected: Baby’s heart rate dropped rapidly from a steady 150-something to 45. Within seconds I was being rushed to the OR for an emergency C-section. Before I could ask how and why, I was looking at a dozen doctors and nurses as the anesthesiologist was putting a mask on my face, immediately putting me to sleep. I groggily awoke a little bit later to realize my son was born. I didn’t get to push him out, didn’t hear his first cry as they placed him on my chest. He had long been in the nursery. His daddy didn’t get to see him come out either or cut his umbilical cord. Drugged and exhausted, with a new pain in my abdomen immobilizing in bed, I could only try to process this unexpected change in plans for so long. I finally got to hold my baby and he was so beautiful that the experiences we didn’t have were all but forgotten; we are lucky to be holding him and that would be enough. He is more than enough. He is pure and perfect. What was entirely unexpected has become everything I could need. Caspian was born March 30, 2019 weighing 6 lbs 6 oz. There will be so many more unexpected things to come but this little man is proof that they’re are going to be wildly beautiful and full of love, magic, and adventure.