Natural First Time Home Birth! 💗


We welcomed our baby girl Ellie James into the world March 29th 2019 at 9:37am!

She came quickly and two weeks early.

The morning of the 29th around 4:30am my waters broke after getting back into bed. I heard a small pop and at first a little trickle and then a full gush! I woke my husband, got into the shower and started to gather a few things in case we needed to transfer. My husband frantically got our birthing suite (our living room) ready by setting up a boxspring and mattress and hanging a sheet for a curtain on our largest front window. He gathered all the supplies we had collected to help makes things go smoothly.

About an hour later around 5:30am contractions started. At first felt like intense cramps that slowly built like a wave, hitting a peak and then washing away. They were happening pretty close together so decided to download a contraction app to time them. By this time my midwife was on her way as well as my doula. My doula arrived first and helped me time my contractions as my husband finished getting things in order.

They were averaging 2-3minutes apart and lasting about a minute. My midwife arrived and I was ready to make my way from the couch to the bed. Got on all fours and swayed and rocked through each wave as my husband and doula rubbed my back, massaged me and made sure I was hydrated. Ending up getting sick to my stomach and that’s when it hit just how fast this was all happening.

Contractions still happening frequently, I was letting out deep mama moans. Which helped a ton and at one point I think we were all moaning together lol.

Between my next contraction my midwife wanted to check how far along I was. Was able to get to my back and was shocked when she said I was 10cm dilated and the pushing phase would be happening soon!

When that time came it was almost welcomed relief. I felt my body involuntarily take control and my lower abdomen would contract and release. Began to feel the pressure and a feeling as though my bottom was going to fall out, I asked for a warm compresses and some counter pressure which my midwife was already setting up for.

Pushed on all fours for about 30mins, and at that point we switched up positions to a birthing stool with my husband sitting on the bed behind me. While they set up my husband and I danced as I swayed my hips and brought the baby further down. My two midwives and doula surrounded us, coaching and cheering me on. The light poured in from the window upon us proving a warm comforting sensation. Pushed for 15 more min and baby Ellie was born at 9:37am! 💗🧸🎀

We are beyond in love, and so grateful for our experience. To be able to be at home and to feel the ability to let go and ride the wave of childbirth was incredible. 💗🙏

Ellie James 💕

6lbs 7oz

48cm long

Born March 29th/ 2019 at 9:37am