My second birth story☺️ long post with precious pictures🥰

Alexius • ♥️👦🏼👶🏼♥️👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

I found out I was pregnant in October of 2016 with our second sweet baby! Soon after finding out we were having another boy!!💙💙 it was a textbook pregnancy all minus my awful varicose veins😬

On June 10, 2017 at 7am I woke up to my water breaking! We headed to get gas, and dropping our son off at my sisters house before heading to the hospital! When we got to the hospital around 8 i was 4cm! Between 8 and 2 my contractions gradually got closer together and super intense!! My mom and my husband held me up so I could be upright since my sweet one was pinching the crap out of my sciatic nerve😂

At 2, I felt the need to poop💩 so the nurse checked me and my babe was super low and I was 9cm. She told me not to push and she would be back with the doctor! I never pushed with this kid... my contractions literally pushed him out!!!

The nurse had to hold his head while the doctor put one glove on to catch my son while a nurse put a glove on his other hand to catch the rest of my son!! and did it all natural!! No pain meds this time!!

Eli Douglas was born in June 10, 2017 at 2:04pm!! He weighed 8lbs 2.5oz and was 21 inches long!🥰🥰

and now for pictures!!😍

Was not a happy baby on the scale😂

Big brother was excited to hold his baby brother for the first time🥰

And now my sweet boy now! About to be a big ole 2 year old!!☺️

Now I’m 14 weeks pregnant and hoping for a baby girl!! Due September 29th!!♥️♥️