I went for regular doctor check up for my sonogram without any pain I was fine so then after the doc...

I went for regular doctor check up for my sonogram without any pain I was fine so then after the doc told me to wait for the results my due date is May 10 2019 btw they told us me and my husband an unsettling news that my baby wasn’t growing  like last time and his blood flow through the umbilical cord wasn’t enough he was. Getting so due to that I had to stay in the hospital for closer monitor check and if things doesn’t look good I ughh have to deliver early  so I went to the hospital on March 8 that’s when I go the bad news  so then when they kept me for couple of houses they first gave me steroid for his lungs and heartbeat to increase and the next day the gave me another so my baby heart rate looked good but they were still monitoring me till Monday I was still in the hospital and said if I everything looked good I can go home but I didn’t so fast forward to wed they said the monitor look good but not what they wanted so the concern was his blood flow he was getting enough so I have to deliver the next day but good news was the said I was able to deliver at least normal because baby head down was always so I have a good chance of normal delivery so I was relief so then the next went to the labor and delivery room it was so scary they had to induce me so remember I said I had no pains so after the induce me  I had really bad contractions and there was a pain when I looked at the monitor went up to 32 so I screamed it hurt so then before all that they gave me epidural  after the epidural let’s say after 10-15 later my baby heart beat heart rates just drastically drop from 100 something to 0so the doc from the other room came running and trying to tell to switch the right side to see if bby heart beat comes back and then left side samenothing thing nothing so they said because of my contractions pain the baby couldn’t take it so they said I Need emergency c section so then fast fed to the part where they took to cut me open I got so scared I was crying the whole time when the doc came they were trying to calm me down I couldn’t because I thought something happen to my bby so then fast fed to the part where they were all just tlking because I was aware but just numb from waist down like I was aware and half not really aware so I felt the surgery sorta like scrapping and the. Felt them remove the baby and heard tell About how huh he weights they did the whole process within 5 min  so there was my baby boy weighing small 2 lbs and 14 oz  born 32 weeks 
I’m so in love with him today he weighs 3.7lbs  and he is 34 weeks and 3 days today he will be 35 weeks Friday then my mom told me about my brother being born premature as well so I thought there was something I did  that cause this but it’s not and  I just hope he comes home soon miss so much I do go see him all the time but still I want hime home plz pray for me guys he’s my first to that he comes home soon