My Story💙💙


Finding out I was pregnant was one of the happiest days of my life, and I couldn’t wait to tell my husband. I found out we were expecting on April 15th 2018. We had our first appointment on June 8th, and that was the first time we got to hear our sweet beans heartbeat. In July, we found out we were having a little boy! And we were over the moon. The next few months went by so fast and so slow at the same time! At 7 months pregnant, we decided to make a big move and move from Pennsylvania to Tennessee. In the last few weeks of pregnancy, we bought a house and rescued a sweet puppy! My due date came and before I knew it, it had passed. I had an appointment and the doctors decided to induce me because I was almost a week late, only 1 cm dilated, and our little man measured 9 pounds 9 ounces! The next day I went into the hospital really early, and got things started around 840. They induced me using a balloon catheter, which if you haven’t experienced that, it’s extremely uncomfortable and they have to pull on it every 20 mins. Eventually, it came out and I was about 5-6 cm dilated. Then it felt like forever before any progress was made. I was determined not to get any pain medicine and I did not want an epidural. But things changed... after about 11 hours, my body couldn’t take the pain, so I caved in and got pain medicine through an IV. After about another 3 hours, the contractions were so strong, I finally decided I needed the epidural. After the epidural was in I felt so much better and so much relief. Then the next morning around 6 am, I was FINALLY 10 cm, and it was time to push. Unfortunately I pushed for an hour, and our little man didn’t want to come out, and since I was in so much pain, my husband and I decided it was time for a c-section, something I never thought about having. They prepped me, and my whole body started to shake with fear. We went to the operating room, and I slept through him being born and didn’t meet him until almost an hour after he was born. Killian Alec McRae was born December 28th 2018 at 7:21 am weighing 9 pounds and 5.3 ounces. Three months have come and gone in the blink of an eye, and somehow I still find myself loving him more everyday 💙

The picture from right after he was born 💙

This is from today! He is the love of my life 💙