Baby’s born! Induction @ 39 weeks!

I went in at 7P to start cervidil. 1 1/2 cm 70%effaced starting point. Ended up having Terrible contractions by 1 am, got staydol at about 2:30am only lasted an hour and my contractions were 2-4 minutes apart. She checked me I was at 2cm I tried to tough it out but I couldn’t get a break my contractions were so close together, I got an epidural at about 4:30am by that time everybody was coming in an out I got to sleep for like 30-45 minute intervals, Got checked at 7:30Am was 4cm got checked again at 11am. And was 10cm! No pitocin was administered the cervidil put me into full blown labor. Started pushing at 11:45 he was out in a few pushes at 12:27! First baby 20yo 💕