First date


Okay so, today I was kind of skeptical going on this date with a guy. We have been face timing and texting for a couple months now but hadn’t had time in our schedule to meet up. With me going on trips and out of state and him working. Today we finally made it happen..

Now I never put my self out there like that. I planned on meeting him where ever so he didn’t have to waste more gas to come get me .. he came to my house and picked me up and we went to get tacos yes I know not the more romantic but we both love tacos. Our date costed $13 for tacos and drinks .. and honestly it was the best date I have ever been on. Because it was raining we couldn’t sit outside to eat so we sat in his car him making jokes and me making some back. I couldn’t breath for the longest time because I was laughing so hard. We sat there for over an hour just talking and being together. He then asked me what else we could do .. me being the dork I am said lets go to target. We spent over an hour just walking around being dorks and messing around in target. He is so damn goofy. And i haven’t stopped smiling since he dropped me off.

Guys DATES DO NOT HAVE TO COST A LOT OF MONEY, they could cost nothing or less than $20 and you could have the best damn date of your life. I didn’t bring a jacket because it wasn’t raining when we left but when we had to get out he immediately handed me his telling me to put it on so I wouldn’t catch a cold. Sweetheart or what??

I feel like I’m on cloud nine and it was just our first date 😍😍

UPDATE:: so it’s been a little while now and we have been on 5 dates .. they have been amazing. He is so sweet and amazing and treats me like a fucking queen. I’m so happy. We haven’t made anything official yet but. Who knows ... I really like him