Waking up


Is anyone else’s baby having trouble sleeping at night? My daughter usually is a good sleeper at night once she’s laid down she will stay asleep all night till morning, her average night was 9-12 hours. Well here lately it’s been a different story...idk what’s going on but lately she’s been waking up 2-5 times during the night, it’s driving me crazy! She will wake up crying, I will go in and give her her pacifier and she’s good for a hour or 2 then we are awake again doing the same thing. The other night I gave up after she woke up several times and me and her went to the couch, there she slept for 4 hours without waking up in my arms, I had to get some sleep somehow. Idk if this is normal at this age/stage or not but I want my good sleeper back!!! Anyone else struggling with this? It’s like she’s a newborn again 😩, accept she didn’t wake up this often even as a newborn