My Very Traumatic Birth Story...

Taylor • Married 09/22 with 2 beautiful girls Artemis Royale (3) and Iris Calliope (1)

On Tuesday March 26th, I woke up with bad cramps and light contractions. They weren’t consistent or bad enough to go in but progressively got worse and I just had a feeling something was wrong. Well on Thursday March 28th I had an appointment with my high risk doctor (I see him for my blood disorder.) , I explained the cramps and contractions but they said they weren’t consistent and the cramps were most likely from being 1cm and 50% effaced. Well as the night progressed I went into the L&D because it felt as though my contractions were back to back, after about an hour and a half they sent me home saying the contractions weren’t close enough together. I went home in so much pain and uncomfortableness and finally fell asleep after hours of contractions, I woke up Friday morning with a big clot of blood in my throat, the feeling of starting a cold, and the feeling of high blood pressure. I didn’t wake up till close to 11 that day and my drs office closed at 1 so I called and left a message with my nurse after no answer and wait till 12 for a CB but never received one, I then called back and asked for the nurse through the receptionist line. I told her my symptoms and asked if they could check my enzymes levels, so after talking to my dr they send me back up to L&D, they put me on the monitor and low and behold still wasn’t having contractions. The nurse practitioner on floor said I was most likely just dehydrated and my blood pressure was normal I should just be able to go home depending on what doctor says, so they called my doctor and she said to check my blood work just in case. So after about 7 attempts of trying to get and IV to draw fluids they finally got blood that wasnt hemolized with a butterfly needle and gave me jugs of water to drink to get my fluids up. After about six hours of drinking water and waiting the nurse came in and said my liver enzymes were elevated and they wanted to keep me overnight to monitor my urine protein levels. Well they give me water and dinner and at 12 cut me off from both. So all night I’m peeing in a jug and feeling super sick like I have the cold, I finally fall asleep at 5 o’clock am only to be woken up at 6:30 to do more blood work and finally got an IV in to give my fluids the doctor came in about 8 and said my enzymes were better and I could have something to eat and they will make a decision on what they were going to do after the results for the urine test at 5. They finally move me from a triage room to a L&D room at noon and by 12:30 the dr comes back in and says she was looking of my blood work and my blood platelets were dropping, and they cannot wait any longer they’ll induce me because I’m already dilated and effaced, so by 2pm they let me have lunch and give me the pitocin to induce labor. By then my husband is there and we’re ready for the baby to come. After checking me again with no change at 12am she increases the pitocin and continues to check and increase all night, at 9 she calls the dr and says if there no change by 12 they’ll take me off to give me a break and put me back of again tomorrow morning. They drew blood work again well about 11:30 my dr comes back in the and says my platelets are a 113 and if they get any lower they aren’t going to be able to do the epidural or spinal tap so their going to do a csection at 12:30, I felt devastated because I really wanted to have her naturally, well 12:30 comes around and they wheel me into the surgery room. They have me climb on this tiny table and they try to begin the spinal tap, after about 7 tries they tell me they’ll have to do General Anesthesia and my husband won’t be allowed in the room, I was broken at this point and felt terrible they lay me down and tell my DH he gets so upset he goes outside to smoke and about 2 seconds into his cigarette they tell him he has a baby to get back up there. They wake me up and I can feel everything I was in so much pain and they move me to a more comfortable bed and let my husband in, he starts telling me about our baby girl how he cried when he saw her, something I’m so upset I missed and about a half hour goes by and they finally bring her back in for me to see she’s so perfect and beautiful! 7 lbs 3oz Artemis Royale Hendrickson cake into this world on March 31st @ 1:34 pm, I may be in so much pain between the csection and giant bruise from the spinal tap attempts but I couldn’t be happier I love her so much.