Pretty sure have picked her name! 💞

😄😄😄 • You will keep in perfect peace, him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal. -Isaiah 26:3
Okay so we decided on a boys name so quick. Daniel Connor. We both loved it so much and it was so easy to pick because it was after my daddy and grandaddy. So we found out we are having a girl 😂 never even discussed girl names! Lol but we finally decided on Ella Grace. After my sweet baby brother who we are both so very close to considering he was only 4 when we started dating and he would go on dates with us! But his name is Eli Grayson so we thought it was a cute twist! What do yall think? I know that's a loaded question lol and I'm prepared for the comments 🙈🙈