🌹Short Labor after 2 long ones

Kinda long post but WORTH it to read.Just wanna tell everyone going to deliver your babies I couldnt imagine having an hour long labor as my freind told me to hope for My first was 26 hours of pitocin induced.The second was 15 hours and had epidurals and pain meds for both though I hardly felt any the second time around bc it was late.I had to be induced due to being over 40 ( the hospitals policy is induce at 39 weeks bc * sometimes the placenta stops working in women 40 n up at 39 weeks for some reason n can cause stillbirth).So went on the miso pill so I could walk around every 2 hours for 2 hours .5 of those pills n nothing but mild crampy feelings..then water breaks n bam.Within 25 MIN I was at 5 cm.25 min later as the midwife was leaving my room I yelled for her" Autumn!!!)Felt pressure ( as I hadnt felt before bc my other labors had full epidurals).I and as shocked n I let out a cry as I hear " Wow Ure 9 cm ..U can push " I waited a bit after pushing some bc rhe contractions weren't all super strong to make me want to push n i didnt want pitocin( i was chicken) but really that was dumb bc my boy wanted to enter the world.I was able to rest a little n even fall asleep n then got woken up to get ready to push again.About 5 minutes n out he came .Our sweet beautiful little angel.I want to share that I had an epi that didn't take n if i can help one person choose ..i knew it wasnt necessary n wound up being more trouble than it s worth.I want to tell women it s ok to get to get meds over epidural .Also I want to say that I was a devoted advanced yoga student long before my pregnancies and didnt do yoga much through all three pregnancies.If o had I m sure the labor wouldve been quicker.The epidural this third time didn t work is bc the injection was done too high up ( which is like a piece of paper higher in measurement than ot was meant for.My chest was getting numb and not down low too much .I had shakes n chills m they had to shut it off.So I m not saying dont get one but if ure having big contractions n I have to make a choice quickly I say skip it bc jt just slowed down those big contractions.My labor in total was about 5 hours..slept through 4 of it.I encourage women to look up the REBOZO method and keep the faith that massage n visualization can get U through.❤👣🙏