Federal background..

Soo I’m a Nursing Assistant and just got hired at a VA Medical Center. So it’s a government job. They ran a background check on me and all in order for me to be hired. So I thought I was good. But as I’ve been on orientation, people have been telling me that co workers have gotten hired, worked for months and then would end up getting fired and escorted out because it came back that their background didn’t match what they said, so it was considered lying. Like for example: if they said they quit a job, and in their eyes they did, but the employer says they were actually fired for whatever reason, etc. Now I’m a little worried. I did NOT intentionally lie about anything and I know that, because I’m not that kind of person. But there may have been something I forgot, didn’t think about, etc. I filled it out to the best of my ability but I did go through a few jobs right after high school when I was trying to figure out what to do in life, and I’m not sure if I included them all. But my co worker said they’re the government (obviously) so if they get record from the IRS that you got a paycheck from a place, and it isn’t on there, then you’re considered lying. How worried should I really be? Has anyone else gone through something similar with a government job or know someone who has? 😣😣😣