New to This and Worried


Hello everyone! I am a young soon to be mom. My husband and I are 21 and expecting our little girl in July. I want to use cloth diapers, because there would be no chemicals involved and talk about the money that can be saved! But I don't even know where to start... over the last couple of days after watching some youtube videos, I have learned that there are many different kind of cloth diapers. The All-in-one diapers seem like the simplest way to go... but what are all of y'alls experiences? Also, how do you go about using cloth diapers while out in public? How do you empty out the messy ones in general?(while your little one is on the changing table.) Do you prefer velcro or snaps? Does the velcro get stuck to your little ones clothing or irritate their skin?

I have so many questions, and everyone around me (except for my husband and grandmother) think I'm an idiot for wanting to use them. But I really want to save money. We plan to have multiple children and it would just work well, to be able to reuse them. We are very practical. Also, do you use one size fits all, or do you use sized ones? Can one size fits all, really work for newborns? I'm so sorry for all of the questions, but any help would be absolutely amazing. This is an adventure for us for sure, but we are determined to go this route.

Thank you so much, mommas!