Baby won’t sleep.

I know not getting sleep is common and people say sleep when your baby sleeps. I’ve been doing pretty good with the pp depression. Well as good as any woman can do when their a single parent. My sons father bailed out when I found out I was pregnant. So he’s not around to help me. So i do everything on my own. I’ve only cried a few times because of that and it’s so hard doing it by myself and not getting a break. But. My baby just doesn’t sleep. He does have colic. But even when he’s in a good mood and not crying and he’s just chilling he just won’t go to sleep. He can be up for 12 hours straight and still won’t go to sleep. I’ve tried absolutely everything you can try.NOTHING WORKS. By come change when he does fall asleep finally he won’t stay asleep whether you hold him or put him down. He wakes up after about 10 or 15 mins. He does this every day all the time. And I find myself getting so frustrated and wanting to break down because I just want him to sleep because one he needs it but I do to. I can’t sleep while he’s awake and it makes me feel like I’m doing something wrong that I can’t get my child to go to sleep or stay asleep. Has anyone else had this problem with their baby? I love him so much but I need some kind of relief for the both of us