Am I being ungrateful?

So I recently posted a poll in regards to arguing over money in your relationship.

I need to know if I'm just being ungrateful or if I have a right to be upset. So like I said in my previous post, my fiance is awful with money. He spends money left and right on things that just aren't necessary. He is also terrible about just going to work. If he was to work like hes supposed to he would work 60 hours a week and bring home about 600 a week. I work 16 hours a week, some times more as I try to pick up shifts at work as I'm normally at home taking care of our one year old son.

Anyways, we each pay our own car payment and car insurance. My fiance pays the lights and the rent and I pay for the groceries and cable/internet. I find that this is fair for us considering he brings home easily three times the amount I do. On average I bring home around 250 a week. After adding up all of our expenses and subtracting it from our monthly income my fiance should have around 500 dollars left over at the end of each month and that's already giving him a 300 spending allowance for the month which is moreeee than enough.

Anyways, last month my fiance worked one week out of the entire month and didnt have money for rent. He was complaining to me that he is 800 behind on his car payment and was asking me to help him out. Which I was okay with. We are a team. I want to be able to help him if he needs it and I would expect him to do the same for me. But this next part is where I became very angry and upset.

My fiance texts me saying he got a new bedroom set for us that is going to be 40 dollars a week. I told him we dont need that and hes already struggling as it is so why add on another unnecessary bill? He tried to turn it around on me saying I'm always saying that I need a new dresser and now I'm complaining that he got me one. (I do need a new dresser, I've been saying I need one for the past couple years but I just haven't had the extra money for it so I'm not going to spend money I dont have on a dresser.) Long story short on that, he had it delivered, it didnt all fit in our bedroom so it was returned.

But then just this past weekend my fiance returns a diaper genie I had purchased that we realized wouldn't hold that many of our sons diapers so we agreed on bringing it back. I was at a baby shower and he texts me saying he returned it, got 25 dollars back for it and bought himself a stand for his xbox controller 🤦‍♀️

At this point I'm furious. He was just crying to me about how he couldn't pay rent and was 800 behind on his car payment. So I pay the rent. And then he goes and starts blowing money like it's nothing! Do I have a right to be upset? Am I being ungrateful that he wanted to do something nice with the bedroom set or was that his way of just making me feel bad for his poor choice?